
Profile of Dr.Innocent Twagilimana

20 Jul 2023

Profile of Dr.Innocent Twagilimana

Innocent Twagilimana is holder of a PhD in Education from the Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, South Africa ; he has a strong educational background as he studied for several years in Rwanda, Senegal, Belgium and South Africa where he received different academic qualifications. His postdoctoral research was conducted at Stockholm University, Sweden.

Dr.Twagilimana has been entrusted with different responsibilities at both academic and administrative levels. He worked at Rwanda Television as journalist before joining the former National University of Rwanda where he worked as lecturer and Deputy Director of the Academic Quality Unit. He was Head of Department for the Department of Educational Foundations, Management and Curriculum Studies, and was often involved in research projects as Principal Investigator.He also worked as consultant with a number of Civil Society Organizations.

Dr. Twagilimana is currently Senior Lecturer at the University of Rwanda where he is Dean for the School of Education which is one of the biggest schools in the University of Rwanda.

Contacts : twagilin@gmail.com
Telephone : 0787684457


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