

Principal Investigator

Background to the project

NORPART (Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation) supports academic partnerships and student mobility with an emphasis on Master level between higher education institutions in Norway and selected developing countries.

The project “Enhancing Quality and Internationalization of Study Programme through Mobile Transformative Pedagogy (EQIP)” works between University of Agder (Norway), University of Makerere (Uganda) and University of Rwanda.

The project originates from a grant written and submitted by three experts from the University of Agder, University of Makerere and University of Rwanda, namely Associate Prof. Ghislain Maurice Norbert Isabwe, Associate Prof Paul Birevu Muyinda and Dr. Mathias Nduwingoma respectively.

Project Management Team
Names Position Telephone and Email
Dr. Mathias NDUWINGOMA Principal Investigator

0788897814, email:ndumathias2001@yahoo.com

DR RICHARD MUSABE Deputy Principal Investigator

0789453014, email : rmusab10@gmail.com


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