
The University of Rwanda’s College of Education has graduated the highest number of the candidates at the UR 9th Graduation

20 Nov 2023

A section of UR Graduates participating in the 9th graduation ceremony

The University of Rwanda has awarded degrees and certificates to 8321 graduates at its 9th graduation ceremony held this time in the Northern Province, Musanze District, at the Ubworoherane Stadium. Among these graduates, the College of Education boasts the highest number of graduates, meaning 3591.

During the proceedings of degrees conferment, the Principal read the statistics as follows, “Madam Chancellor, I, Professor Florien Nsanganwimana, Principal, College of Education, have the honor to present to you 3591 candidates from the College of Education who satisfied the requirements of the University Senate for the conferment of the degrees and certificates as follows :
 In the School of Education : Postgraduate Certificate : 30 candidates from 1 program ; bachelor’s
degree:3095 candidates from 32 programs.
 In the School of Inclusive and Special Needs Education : 155 candidates from 5 programs.
 For the Diploma in the School of Education : 241 candidates from 15 programs. Thank you, Madam Chancellor !”

Regarding the conferment of the Master’s degree, the Principal said, “Madam Chancellor, I, Professor Florien Nsanganwimana, Principal, College of Education, have the honor to present to you 71 candidates from the College of Education who have satisfied the requirements of the University Senate for the conferment of Master’s degrees as follows :
 In the School of Education:13 candidates from 4 programs ;
 In the School of Inclusive and Special Needs Education : 1 candidate from 1 program ;
 In the African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS) : 57 candidates from 4 programs. Thank you, Madam Chancellor !"

UR-CE Principal Professor Florien Nsanganwimana while reading statistics of graduates in education

Again, among the 38 candidates who were conferred with a Ph.D. degree, 50%, equivalent to 19 candidates are from the University of Rwanda-College of Education.

Addressing the graduates, the University of Rwanda’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kayihura Muganga Didas told the graduates that the support they had from the Government and their parents has been a stepping stone to their success and challenged them to be grateful to them.

"In the pursuit of your dreams, it is essential to acknowledge the tremendous support you have received. The government and your parents have been pillars of strength, both morally &financially. Their unwavering faith in your abilities and the investments they have made in your education have been instrumental in your success. Take a moment to express your gratitude to them, as your achievements are a reflection of their sacrifices"- he said.

In her remarks, the UR Chancellor, Madam Chancellor Patricia L Campbell addressed graduates in these words, “You will appreciate what you have, and you will design lives that contribute to the well-being of yourself, your family, your community, and your country. I know you can. With that knowledge, I believe in the future of a world that is today challenged perhaps like never before. You are the future and I believe what you will do with your one wild and precious life, is what we need.”

Madam Patricia L Campbell the UR Chancellor
In his remarks, Honourable Gaspard Twagirayezu, Minister of Education and the Guest of Honour, said, "The university has grown, increased its centers of excellence and it is a contribution to the research ecosystem. The graduation of 38 PhDs expanded partnerships and collaborators we just witnessed today, and the growing numbers of international students are just examples we can cite today,”

“As we step into the next decade, Hon. Twagirayezu continued, the evolution of technology and dynamics of globalization and shifting social economic landscapes, we demand the fundamental rethinking of the role universities play in shaping our societies.”

Hon.Gaspard Twagirayezu, the Minister of Education and the Guest of Honour delivering his remarks

At the graduation, the best candidates received different awards comprised of office and educational equipment, scholarships, professional internships, and cash prizes. These awards were provided by the university itself and/or the partners including corporate companies, and local and international organizations to mention a few.

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