15 Jan 2021
Dear Readers,
The Rwandan Journal of Education (herein referred to as RJE) is based at the College of Education, one of the constituents of the University of Rwanda (UR) (www.ce.ur.ac.rw) in accordance with the Law No. 71/2013 of 10/09/2013 of the Republic of Rwanda.
With its new administrative structures, it is with a renewed eagerness that the Rwandan Journal of Education is ready to rekindle its scholarly standards as a peer-reviewed publication, entrusted with the mission of advancing knowledge
in the fields of education and social sciences. RJE is identifiable in both print (ISSN 2227-9148) and online (eISSN 2312-9239), and it has joined quite a few other journals based at the other UR colleges, as well as hundreds hosted by the ever-growing Africa’s largest collection of scholarly journals, the African Journal Online (AJOL) that contribute to the region’s scientific studies and innovations.
It is with great pleasure therefore, that we wish to bring to the attention of the esteemed RJE readers and potential authors that in a bid to reinforce the quality of its services and products, the University of Rwanda – College of Education (UR CE) has reviewed the RJE editorial team. All subsequent correspondences will henceforth be channelled through Ms Gerardine Irankunda, its administrator (E-mails : rje.ce@ur.ac.rw /wrceresearchin@gmail.com) or Dr Valentin Uwizeyimana, its manager, (E-mail : VUwizeyimana@outlook.com).
The present RJE issue (Vol. 5, No.1) has been a product of their unrelenting efforts and determination to maintain RJE publication.
The editorial team thus takes this opportunity to renew its gratitude to all well-wishers and contributors, and will continue to welcome, not only original and good quality manuscripts, but also constructive comments, suggestions and criticisms from authors and readers that will inspire further debates and research on educational issues and reforms. Rwandan Journal of Education (RJE) particularly welcomes unpublished manuscript submissions on pertinent educational issues that will stimulate and/or enrich discussion forums on improving quality in all aspects of
education including teaching and learning, policy, planning, governance, management, technology and others.
Teaching and learning in situations where school and community systems are strained by the COVID-19 pandemic for example, seem to draw a growing attention of scholars globally, and RJE encourages scholarly contributions themed on such emerging issues.
We urge potential authors, interested scholars and practitioners in education, to follow the Journal’s publication guidelines appended to the present issue, and submit original, plagiarism-free, scholarly articles as indicated.
It is now accessible through https://www.ajol.info/index.php/rje/issue/view/19375 of the African Journal of Education.
Please, accept the RJE best wishes of the upcoming festive season and the New Year 2021.
Thank you very much.
Dr. Evariste Karangwa
Founding Chief Editor
Rwandan Journal of Education
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