
“Education should change your life and the life of others in a positive way”- Dr Florien Nsanganwimana to First Year students.

12 Jun 2023

The Acting Principal of the University of Rwanda-College of Education welcomed new students admitted into year I for the academic year 2023-2024. It was during their week-long induction programme. In his remarks he told them that though they have been admitted into education, they are expected to do is not restricted to teaching only, because they are many other opportunities.

“I hope that you have some relatives, friends or neighbours who did the same program, who are either teaching or serving in different capacities. As teachers you are expected to participate into the socio-economic transformation of our country. Of course, that transformation starts from yourself. Education should change your life and the life of others in a positive way. If education does not change you is not changing you positive and then you can impact positively on others, you will have failed.”

He went on to say that that is the way they should consider themselves on the started journey which should change to change the students positively, and which will help them to get a degree so that they can serve for the better of the society. “As you progress through your studies your behaviour may change. I don’t know you background, I don’t know where you are coming from, but some of you may think that you are better than any other person, that you are higher than them”, he observed.

Dr Nsanganwimana also talked about the medium of instruction, that is English language, which should be respected by students, but they should remember they remain Rwandans, meaning that that they should not continue speaking English in their neighbourhood. “Now, for instance, we are emphasizing on the use of English. You may go home, and you know that citizens in your neighbourhood do not speak English, and you start greeting your mother in English, whereas they cannot listen to you. Though we are emphasizing on English we remain Rwandans,” he highlighted.
He added that though English is the language of communication at university and the medium of instruction precisely, the Kinyarwanda language is the main component of the Rwandan culture which should preserved.

He made it clear that they are not told to forget Kinyarwanda and asked the new students not to mis-interpret his message and behave as if they are coming from another community of English speakers. Rather, English as a medium of instruction, at university like at other higher learning institutions we remain also committed to our culture. “Our language reflects our culture, but through different associations your will be exposed to several cultural activities. I emphasize that you register for different students’ clubs and associations. Your learning is not only through classroom activities ; it is also through extra curriculum activities,” Dr Nsanganwimana elucidated.

As far as extra-curricular activities are concerned, the Principal pointed out that College has got a Guild Council and a Directorate of Student’s Welfare ready to offer their support and requested all students to participate in extra curricula activities. He made it clear that the university does not want to see any student who does not participate in them. “When you participate in extra curriculum activities it is a way to relax. There are several extra-curriculum activities. I invite you to participate in those activities. I hope the coordinators of different clubs and associations will glad to host you and explain what they do, then they allow you to make a choice.”

The Principal also informed the new students that UR-CE is running its activities on three campus, with the Rukara Campus accommodating STEM while non-STEM are run at Nyagatare He also noted that Biology with Physical Education is run at Remera Campus accommodates Biology with Phyical Education.

“You are joining our College. You are at Rukara Campus, but if you know colleagues who did not science, they were oriented to another Campus, especially Nyagatare Campus. This is to say that the College of Education does not serve only on Rukara Campus but also, we have extended our activities to Nyagatare Campus. We also have one program of Biology and Physical Education which is run at Remera Campus. All students at those campuses including here belong to the community of College of Education,” he clarified.

As per the culture at University of Rwanda, this academic year 2023-2024 new members of the UR-CE family were warmly welcome. They were familiarized with the new academic life and environment they have started. Thus, all key services were given the floor to address the newcomers following a well elaborated program from the 5th to 16th. Principal Nsanganwimana used the opportunity of his presence with members of the staff to introduce them to new students.

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