
District Directors of Education and Sector Inspectors Trained on Effective Monitoring of Maths and Science Teachers : Use of Modernized Formative Assessment Tools.

03 Feb 2024

From 25-27 and 29-31 January 2024, District Education Directors (DDEs) and Education Sector Inspectors (SEIs)underwent in Musanze District training on the Monitoring and Evaluation of trained Mathematics and Science teachers. The purpose of the training was to ensure that Maths and Science teachers who were trained in the Innovative Teaching Maths and Science are effectively implementing the methodologies they’ve been trained on and utilizing modernized teaching tools provided to them. A highlight was made on the formative assessment tools such as Voting Cards, Show-me boards, Plickers, and Exit tickets.

The training delved into the significance of formative assessment in improving learners’ performance among the key aspects to pay attention to during lesson observation. SEIs and DDEs were equipped with insights into how teachers can conduct formative assessments using modernized tools tailored for the classroom environment.

As highlighted by the facilitator, Mr. Jean Claude Gasana, one of the primary objectives of the session on Formative Assessment Tools was to foster an appreciation among education leaders for the importance of formative assessment. Through interactive presentations and discussions, attendees gained a deeper understanding of the role these assessments play in gauging student understanding and informing instructional strategies.

During the session, various formative assessment tools were introduced and explored. Among these tools are Traffic Lights, where learners signal their level of comprehension by raising colored cards. Additionally, Voting Cards were highlighted, enabling students to participate in quick assessments by selecting answers to questions posed by the teacher. Furthermore, Plickers, a sophisticated yet user-friendly tool, was demonstrated as a means for teachers to gather real-time assessment data without the need for individual student devices.

A key component of the training involved practical demonstrations of how these tools can be effectively integrated into classroom activities. Participants witnessed firsthand how Plickers allows students to input their answers, which are then instantly displayed to the teacher, facilitating swift feedback and adjustment of instructional strategies.

These education leaders were equipped with a deeper understanding of formative assessment practices which enabled them to conduct effective monitoring and evaluation of teachers as far as formative assessment is concerned.

The training of Sector Education Inspectors and District Education Directors training is one of the initiatives undertaken by the University of Rwanda-College of Education in collaboration with the Rwanda Basic Education Board under the Rwanda Quality Basic Education for Human Capital Development Sub-component 1.2. The latter seeks to support the professional development of Maths and Science teachers from P4 to P6 and from 1 to S3. The project initiative emphasizes 4 channels ; increase teacher content knowledge, improve classroom teaching practices, ensure availability of critical teaching materials and ICT tools in the classroom, and provide continuous support to teachers in their work.

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