All activities of the project are guided by the theory of change.
The theory of change for RQBEHCD Sub-component 1.2 postulates that improvements in teaching and learning are achieved when teachers are well-equipped with both content knowledge and pedagogical skills, students are actively engaged in the learning process, and teachers receive continuous coaching, mentorship, and support.
This comprehensive approach aims to create a conducive learning environment that maximizes educational outcomes in schools.
Figure 1: Theory of Change of Sub-component 1.
Based on the theory of change, two main activities are undertaken by the Sub-component 1.2:
(1) Modernization of the instructional tools used in a class.
(2) train teachers to enhance the knowledge and pedagogical practice of Math and Science teachers in upper primary through lower secondary grades (P4-S3).
To modernize instructional tools for effective teaching and learning Mathematics and Science, three innovations have been made. These are Scripted Lessons, Virtual Science Laboratories (VSLs), and Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach.