
Closing Remarks by Dr.Florien Nsanganwimana, UR- College of Education on Acting Principal, on the occasion of CPD Graduation Ceremony in partnership with VVOB and REB, 16 December 2021

20 Dec 2021

Closing Remarks by Dr.Florien Nsanganwimana, UR- College of Education on Acting Principal, on the occasion of CPD Graduation Ceremony in partnership with VVOB and REB, 16 December 2021

 Representative of REB DG
 VVOB Programme Manager,
 Respected participants,both online and here physically at UR RukaraCampus, Head
Office of UR-CE,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As we close this ceremony, I want to remind you and ourselves that life is all about overcoming challenges. Challenges are part of our life. So, to link to what we experience in our profession as teachers, what we experience in schools, there are a lot of challenges in our schools. You know better than me because you are now in schools. I know better the challenges, for instance, that the College of Education is facing.

But what I want to say is that you have acquired competences to mitigate yourselves those challenges and to improve the learning of your schools/ the performance of your learners, so that we can improve the quality of learning through improved quality of teaching. We shall know that you are making an impact, you are reaching that goal of improving learners’ performance and the performance of the schools in general through the impact that you will be making, reflected of course in the recognition of your outstanding achievement in your districts, in your sectors and in your schools.

You know that every year the Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Education and Rwanda Basic Education Board ( REB) awards schools and teachers on the basis of their outstanding achievements. So, we want you that, for instance, next time as we celebrate Teacher’s Day we have some of you graduating today receiving different awards as they are provided by the Ministry of Education.

Again, every year, even this year the process has started. Rwanda Higher Education Council provides scholarships for teachers and school leaders to upgrade their qualifications. It is even mentioned in the Teacher’s National Statutes that teachers who remain in the career with an experience of at least of 5 years that they can access a scholarship that they will not pay back after completing their studies. Of course, that scholarship is not for free, it is based on your performance in schools and what you have reached in terms of improving the quality of education in that basic education sector.

There are those opportunities that you can access, because you have benefited from this programme. You have acquired some competences that can help you perform better, and serve better as I have mentioned it.

So, we expect you to be key players in improving the quality of education and literacy among Rwandans and for Rwandan community.

So, as I close this ceremony, I can’t fail to thank all people who participated in one way or another for the success of this event starting from the team members in the joint organizing committee for this graduation ceremony, thejoint teams from UR-CE and VVOB. Please help me to clap for them. I also thank the UR-CE Cultural Troop (Indangamirwa) for entertainment which made this ceremony a beautiful event. Let us clap for them as well !

We also thank and recognize the financial support provided by VVOB for us to be able to organize this event. Please clap for VVOB !

Last but not least important, I thank you all participants including you graduates both here present physically at Rukara Campus and those who have joined online. Thank you a lot, and I wish a good continuation of this day to successful graduates in their career we want you to progress and to really make a real impact.

Thank you !

Transcripted and published



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